Sunday, March 9, 2008

Direct Marketers Respond To A Recession

I came across this Ad Age article on how the DMA did a survey of direct marketers to get their intentions for 2008. There seems to be a common thread, something that Seth Godin talks about quite a bit....'tribe management'.

As the ability to do mass marketing shrinks, more and more companies will rely on re-evaluting customer databases that they already have. My good friend David Perlmutter is working for an amazing company called NCI Mobility in Chicago. They specialize in wireless data capture. They have the ability to collect and analyze data in virtually 'real' time and close the 'feedback' loop to the consumer within hours. Check out their services it's worth it!

Mass marketing has been the beneficiary of a great economy for such a long time, that now we are faced with the challenge of needing to find ways to identify and excite our brand ambassadors with less. It can be done and quite effectively...we just need to think smarter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When you consider the small percentage of return by most direct mail campaigns, it is almost a no-brainer that Direct Marketers would seek out more engaging methods of marketing. 2008 and beyond are definitely going to be great years for alternative marketers.